The Rivers of God

How to Have the Living Water of
Peace, Hope, and Purpose That Jesus Promised Us

J. Owen Allen, Ph.D.

1.  Introduction – The Crisis in Christian Influence.

     As you probably know, many Christians today are wondering why Christianity is losing its influence in America.  And why church attendance is declining everywhere in the country.

       In fact, some of you may be wondering about it, too, because I’m sure the problem has been mentioned from this pulpit by others.

       Of course, we know part of the answer.  National surveys show that Christianity isn’t meeting many of people’s Spiritual needs.  It’s meeting some people’s social needs.  And it’s meeting some people’s entertainment needs.  And it’s meeting some people’s political needs.  But it’s not meeting many people’s Spiritual needs.

       And that leaves two questions that every Christian, and every Christian group, ought to answer:

              º  First, what are “Spiritual needs”?

              º  Second, how are Spiritual needs “met”?

       To find the answers, we need to go back to the roots of Christianity in the harvest festivals of First Century Israel.  So let’s do that together for a few minutes.

2.  The Harvest Festivals – Commanded by God.

     As strange as it may seem to us today, in Israel, in the First Century, the people had three harvest festivals each year that God commanded them to have.  In other words, they had to have the festivals.  And they had to attend the festivals, or they were breaking God’s Law.