The Way The Early Christians Used Them

     In the first three centuries of Christian history, Christians met, fellowshipped, and worshiped in small groups in private homes.   Their small groups were usually built around a core of two or three families meeting in one family’s home (that family serving as host for the group), and the groups used a specific organizational structure, and obeyed specific habits, every time they met.

     Because of that specific structure – and those specific habits – the early Christian small groups were the “engines” that generated enough Spiritual power to turn the world upside down Spiritually in only 70 years, and to make Christianity the most Spiritual religion on earth.

     The Good News is that this same Spiritual power is still available today.  All we need to do is use that same organizational structure – and the same habits – that the original Christians did in Early Christian history.

     Here are some links to help you form small groups the way the Early Christians formed them.   New links on this subject will be added as they’re developed, but here’s the list as it stands today.

     1.  How to Have an Early Christian Style Small Group

     2.  The Six Parts of an Early Christian Style Small Group

     3.  The Three Kinds of an Early Christian Style Small Groups

     4.  Para-Groups:  Small Groups for Traditional Christian Congregations

     5.  Personal Small Group Planning Sheet

     6.  Paul’s Description of Spirit-Guided Worship

     7.  Small Group Singing

     8.  Small Group Photos

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