Living the Early Christian Lifestyle Today
Sometimes visitors to this blog, or readers of the book Saving Christianity, or subscribers to the “Saving Christianity” podcast, would like a direct answer to a specific question they have about how the Early Christians lived, or about how they themselves can experience the Early Christian Lifestyle that Jesus promised all Christians – the same supernatural feelings of peace, healing, hope, and purpose that the Early Christians enjoyed in their day.
Ask Owen lets visitors, readers, and subscribers ask direct questions about the Early Christian Lifestyle, and how people can experience its miracles in today’s world. If you have a question about today’s Christianity, its present troubles, or how to have more Spiritual peace, hope, and miracles in our time, type it below and click “Submit.”
Please allow a reasonable time for an answer to be written and sent to you by email. Your identity and your email address are completely confidential, and will not be shared with any other person, group, list, or system.
If our staff feels that your question, and its answer, might encourage and inspire other visitors, readers, and subscribers, we’ll ask your permission to publish it without revealing your identity. (Under our privacy terms, your question and its answer can’t be published without your written permission.) We continually add new Questions and Answers, but the following is our list as it currently exists.
Here Are Three Examples of “Ask Owen” Questions and Their Answers:
[catlist name=”christian problems” numberposts=3]
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